Here's what you'll learn in this jargon free webinar:
The government money you might be leaving on the table, including up to £2k/yr funding that 62% of eligible parents AREN'T CLAIMING!
What the government funding schemes ACTUALLY mean for you
How to save for you child's future TODAY
The LITTLE KNOWN extra tips you could be missing out on
Q&A with Money Coach Ed to answer your questions
Does this sound like you?
You have a child about to start childcare in England and you or your partner earn between £50k - £130k per year...
"I'm going back to work and looked up the 15/30 hours childcare support, but it's so confusing"
"I want to save for my child's future, but I'm confused by the options"
"It's all too complicated. Can someone break this down into easy to understand chunks?"
"I think I know everything I'm eligible for, but I'm not 100% sure"
"I'm tired and busy figuring out going back to work. I don't want to spend hours researching options"
"I'm overwhelmed by all the financial jargon"
If any of this resonates, we can help​​